The Efficiency or Inefficiency of your Building Envelope is based solely on its ability to resist heat energy transfer, measured in BTUs per Hour.
In construction, a material's capacity to resist BTU per hour heat flow is rated in terms of R-value; the higher the R-Value, the greater the insulating performance. However, despite being over 12" thick, an 8" hollow-core concrete block and 4" face brick masonry wall assembly, has a dismal insulating performance value of only R-1.55.
Masonry Wall Insulation
Retrofit Benefits
Lower Energy Consumption
Increased Building Comfort
Reduced Equipment Run Hours
Extended Equipment Life
Reduce heat transfer related moisture Impact on wall assembly
Improved Building Control, Function & Operational Efficiency
Masonry Wall Insulation
Savings & ROI Impact Overview
Ohio & Michigan
Natural Gas Utility Rebates
¹ Ask us how you can increase your rebate by 15% to 20%. Many of the programs have a set amount of funding per calendar year. Funds are dispursed based on an approved, first-come, first-served basis.
What is the FLIR Infrared Image above telling us about heat loss?
Infrared technology views things strictly in terms of hot & cold. Hottest temperatures are the whitest and coldest temperatures are the darkest. Outside air temperature the day the image was taken was 10°F.
The FLIR Infrared Image illustrates the heat loss profile of a Maintenance Building with an 8" hollow core concrete block wall which has an insulation R-Value of only 1.11.
The image shows the wall is actually losing energy in multiple directions. Not only through the vertical face of the wall, but out the top. The arrow on the image above illustrates this energy loss area. The air cavity, created by the hollow core in the block, is acting as a chimney, losing energy that must be replaced by the furnace to maintain the indoor temperature setting of the thermostat.
If you have a building built pre-1975 with block/brick construction, chances are your building has NO wall insulation.
Insulation & Thermal Mass Impact on Building Control - Heating
The graph above illustrates the impact of insulation on the principle of thermal mass during the winter. Compare the heating system off, control point at 5:00 PM, for both design scenarios. In the Baseline Building setback control scenario, illustrated in blue, the heating unit begins to turn back on within one hour to maintain indoor building temperature. However, notice in the Insulated Building setback control scenario illustrated in yellow, the heating system remains off for over 5 hours. This is a result of the insulation retaining the energy stored in the thermal mass of the interior layer of concrete block wall.
Masonry Wall System Insulation
Retrofit Solution
The picture above illustrates an air leak/energy loss opening at the kitchen vent pipe. This area was above the acoustical ceiling. The hole was completely sealed with Air Krete Masonry Wall Insulation is a water-based, fireproof, foam product installed between the 4” face brick and 8” concrete block exterior walls. The material is injected with compressed air through access holes drilled in the mortar joints.
Masonry Wall Insulation not only improves the thermal performance of the wall but seals the holes, cracks, and penetrations in the building. These holes let cold air in and heated air out.
By reducing the random uncontrolled air leakage in a building you improve the ability of the heating and ventilating equipment to do its job. Fresh air is introduced into the facility when and where it is needed. This saves energy and improves building comfort and air quality.
Building Energy Modeling (BEM)
Design Simulation
BEM Design Simulation analysis provides a detailed energy use profile based on the performance, operation and interaction of the building and all of the systems within the building; taking into account such things as: changes in weather, building occupancy patterns and activities, number of occupants, operating schedules and temperature set points.